

昨天下午有個想法想去花墟, 但最後沒有去. 今日下午,這感覺又來了,所以我便去了.在花墟逛了一圈,沒有遇到心儀的鮮花,心想:我都是不想押花.後來,我走進一間新花店,我被這些荷蘭飛燕草吸引住了,她們真的很漂亮.所以我買了兩支,放在家裡欣賞數天後,又可以用來做押花了.感覺真好!


Flamenco in Sevilla, Spain

As I was packing my stuffs these few days, I found all my travelling information of Spain in Sept 2004. I was impressed by the Flamenco Performance I saw in the "Teatro Lope de Vega" in the XIII Bienal de Flamenco. The coming Festival is in 2010. Let's have a look at the web site:-


And, there is a nice music shop called Musica, situated just siding Sevilla Opera House, Teatro de la Maestranza, only a 3-minutes-walk from the Cathedral or Torre del Oro. This shop stores a wide and selected choice of recorded music on CDs, DVDs, Videotapes and Musicassettes. The Spanish Music section includes early, romantic, Arab-andalusian, and Jewish-Spanish music, with special attention to ZARZUELA and FLAMENCO.

Address: C/Dos de Mayo, 38 (junto al Teatro de la Maestranza)41001 Sevilla